Both of us just want to say goodbye to a horrible experience.
You have shown us an interesting insight as to how the courts work . You really made us both feel comfortable with the transactions and I must say you are all top notch.
You certainly know your stuff! Your professionalism and compassion in dealing with your clients’ issues is remarkable. We thank you from our hearts for taking such a genuine and caring interest in the task. All the best to you all, and good luck, and know that you have certainly saved us a lot of present and future heartache.
But I would much sooner meet you in the grocery store next time! Again, thanks for everything. And love the house – that was the highlight for me!
- MG & CG
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Wylita represented me during my divorce.
She took the time for me to understand everything as it was happening and helped me to feel confident in my decisions.
I highly recommend her.
- CO
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You helped me through the worst nightmare of my life.
Thanks to you, I now have my child back with me.
Your expert guidance and encouragement gave me the strength to endure the turmoil.
- K.M
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Thanks for your patience and professionalism through my ordeal.
You helped me understand what was going on and how to put my best case forward.
- S.B
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My previous lawyer said that I was chasing rainbows trying to get support from my husband (self-employed, cash sales) but you had a broader vision.
Through your systematic and creative approach, I received a substantial award and costs.
- J.O
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People say you can’t trust lawyers. But I have nothing but trust and confidence in you.
- J.C
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My ex-wife thought that I was just a blank cheque.
With your help, the spousal support was reduced and then terminated.
I have my life back.
- J.F.C